
Futurice’s Recruitment Privacy Policy

Information about what recruitment-related data we collect, how and why we do it, and how we process it.

This privacy policy explains how we process your data if you are applying or have applied for a job at Futurice. For other situations, please see Futurice’s general privacy policy.

We are always committed to protecting your privacy as described in this privacy notice.

Who are we and how can you contact us?

Recruitment-related personal data is controlled by Futurice group companies. If you have any questions in relation to recruitment data or privacy at Futurice, you can send email to recruitment@futurice.com

What data do we process and why?

We collect and process your data to evaluate you as an applicant and to make recruitment-related decisions. The processing is based on Futurice’s legitimate interest - we evaluate the possibility of hiring you either to one of our open job positions, or any possible job positions if you have sent us an open application.

Data provided by you:

  • Name
  • Contact details (email, phone number)
  • Your free-text message, CV, Cover Letter and other attachments, which may among other contain information on education, work experience and skills
  • Profile links (LinkedIn, GitHub, porfolio)
  • Information on how you found the position or Futurice
  • Any other information provided by you
  • Applied position(s)
  • Possible consent to use your application for other positions

Data collected by Futurice recruitment:

  • Internal notes related to recruitment process
  • Recommendations and evaluations by possible references you shared with us
  • Source where your application was sent
  • Messaging between Futurice recruitment and you

We may also contact you based on a recommendation by a Futurice employee. In such a case, we process your details to preliminary evaluate your fit to Futurice and to contact you. Possible further processing will be based on the information given or referenced by yourself.

In addition to the above, we may also ask for additional information about you in the application form for statistical purposes. Such information is not connected to your candidate profile and you will not be identified from such additional information.

Who processes your data?

In addition to the Futurice group company to which you have applied, your data may be processed by other Futurice group companies. We may also use external recruitment experts and consultants in the recruitment process. Your data will not be transferred to or processed in any country outside the European Union or the European Economic Area.

We also use the following service providers for processing recruitment data:

Service ProviderPurposeLocationRead More
JobylonApplication tracking systemEUJobylon User & Privacy Policy
PersonioHR operating system used if we offer you a positionEUEU GDPR at Personio
Google WorkspaceEmail accounts, calendar managementEU and USGoogle Cloud & the General Data Protection Regulation

How long do we keep your data?

Your application and interview details are stored for 12 months. We store the data

  • to assess you for the specific position you have applied for,
  • to consider you for future roles that might suit your profile, and
  • to contact you about new possibilities at Futurice.

If we later agree to stay in touch for future positions, your data will be stored for 12 months at maximum.

What are your rights?

You can at any time ask us:

  • to confirm if we process any personal data related to you and to deliver an electronic copy of such data,
  • to correct any inaccurate personal data related to you,
  • to erase any personal data related to you,
  • to restrict us processing any personal data related to you.

You can also request that we do not contact you for future possibilities even if you want us to still keep your personal data.

You can make requests by sending email to recruitment@futurice.com

What if I want to file a complaint?

If you disagree with our decision in relation to your request or you think your rights have not been respected, you can always contact us. You can also file a complaint with your local data protection authority:

What information is required and what if I don’t provide them?

You must always give the information marked as “required” in the application form. Required information includes name and email address. If you do not give the required information, we cannot unfortunately accept your application.